Sunday 1 September 2013

Call for workshops and activities

First thematic social forum
for peace and human security :
Call for workshops and activities
The 6-9th of June 2014 Sarajevo will host a Peace Event, (, a century after the events that led to the First World War and two decades after the dramatic siege that the city of Sarajevo suffered during the Balkan wars drew again the attention of the world.
The First thematic social forum on peace and human security issues will be organized within the Peace Event. We take this opportunity to call on you and your organisations to propose workshops and activities.

Peace and Human Security
The concept of Human Security was developed as reaction to “traditional” or “realist” notions of national security, which emphasised the security of the nation-state from external military threats. In contrast, Human Security focuses on the security of the individual human beings who inhabit states and their protection from a wide range of threats, from military and criminal violence to hunger and disease (shift from state to the individual as concern).
Topics discussed during the Forum will be those related to the question of Human Security: the question of security of individuals against external and internal attacks, respect of their rights and freedoms, protection and guarantees against threats, and will also address social and economic dimensions related to war and peace issues.
Among issues that could be raised
  •   Old » and « New » conflicts in the contemporary world, including the Balkan region
  •  Social injustice, economic crisis and contemporary conflicts
  • Post-war challenges: reconstruction policy, issues of remembrance and the transmission of memory, soldiers/fighters civil reintegration
  • Fight against impunity and peace building: transitional justice, national and international justice,
  • Global security, end of occupations, foreign military bases, control of natural resources
  • Issue of privatization of war and more generally breach in the state monopoly of violence (mercenaries, , PMC sector, private enforcement of border management..)
  • Acting against war: grassroots experiences of actions in conflict situations, solidarity action and protection of human security
  • Campaigns for Nuclear disarmament and the abolition of weapons of mass destruction. Campaign against arm trade, landmines, etc...
Building a process
The forum on Peace and Human Security organized within the Peace Event will be the first thematic World Social Forum (WSF) on this subject. It is registered as initiative of the Forum process as defined in the Charter of Principles of Porto Alegre (WSF). It has been supported by the Final Assembly of the Florence 10+10 meeting (November 2012) and the Assembly of Convergence on Peace of the World Social Forum in Tunis (March 2013). It aims at sharing reflection; consolidating the action of participants, facilitate meetings and convergences between movements, offering room for debate and initiatives enabling the expansion of existing campaigns or the coordination of future campaign. However, it does not aim to replace existing local, regional and global networks.
The goals of the forums are to build tools and a culture of collective work going beyond the preparation of a meeting. This thematic forum shares these goals and aims at building an open and collaborative process in the long term.

Peace Event in Sarajevo June 6-9th 2014

Towards Sarajevo 2014!
Peace Event in Sarajevo June 6-9th 2014

For an European and International Forum

A century ago, the events that took place in Sarajevo led to the First World War. Two decades ago, again, Sarajevo was in the attention of the world as the city suffered under the siege during the Balkan wars.
In 2014 Sarajevo will host the Peace Event. The Event will bring together researcher, activists and witnesses in order to share their experience and analysis of the past and the present issues. Their actions are inspired by local and regional conflicts; they are part of international peace and solidarity networks. The participants are expected to join from all around Bosnia and Herzegovina and the countries from the whole South-East Europe, but also from other parts of the world. The Peace Event Sarajevo 2014 will contain various activities: peace trail with NGOs presentations, exhibitions; music and film festival; public events, street actions, artistic performances, animations in/with schools an International Youth Camp, etc.
Inside this Peace Event, we want to organize a Social Forum that will provide a space for debates, to exchange experiences and common practices and to organize actions. This Social Forum will be part of the World Social Forum movement and will develop the thematic of Peace and Human Security.

The concept of Human Security was developed as reaction to “traditional” or “realist” notions of national security which emphasised the security of the nation-state from external military threats. In contrast, Human Security focuses on the security of the individual human beings who inhabit states and their protection from a wide range of threats, from military and criminal violence to hunger and disease (shift from state to the individual as concern).

Topics discussed during the Forum will be those related to the question of Human Security: the question of security of individuals against external and internal attacks, respect of their rights and freedoms, protection and guarantees against threats.

Concretely, some of the issues raised will be:
·       Reconciliation process, transitional justice and the fight against impunity;
·       Post-conflict recovery and society reconstruction, social integration of former soldiers;
·       Prohibition of mines and cluster munitions, campaigns against small arms and for the control of arms sales, prohibition of production and use of weapons of mass destruction;
·       militarization of borders and delocalization of detention;
·       End of occupations, end of foreign military bases;
·       Fight against militarist, racist and xenophobic ideologies etc.
And of course all themes related to peace movements, active non violence, peace education, etc.
Building a process

The forum on Peace and Human Security organized within the Peace Event will be the first thematic World Social Forum (WSF) on this subject. It is registered as initiative of the Forum process as defined in the Charter of Principles of Porto Alegre (WSF). It has been supported by the Final Assembly of the Florence 10+10 meeting (November 2012) and the Assembly of Convergence on Peace of the World Social Forum in Tunis (March 2013). It aims at sharing reflection, consolidating the action of participants, facilitate meetings and convergences between movements, offering a space for debate and initiatives enabling the expansion of existing campaigns or the coordination of future campaign. However, it does not aim to replace existing local, regional and global networks.

The goals of the forums are to build tools and a culture of collective work going beyond the preparation of a meeting. This thematic forum shares these goals and aims at building an open and collaborative process in the long term.


Prema Sarajevu 2014!
Peace Event u Sarajevu Lipanj 6 - 9 2014

Za Europski i Medunarodni Forum

Prije stotinjak godina dogadaju koji su se odvili u Sarajevu su vodili prema Prvom Svjetkom Ratu. Prije dva desetljeca, opet je Sarajevo bilo u centru svjteske paznje kao grad koji je patio pod opsadom tokom balkanskh ratova.
U 2014, Sarajevo ce ugostiti Peace Event (Mirovni dogadaj). Taj ce dogadaj skupiti istrazivace, aktiviste i svjedoke kako bi podjelili svoja iskustva i analize povijesnih i aktualnih pitanja. Njihove akcije su inspirirane lokalnim i regionalnim konfliktima ; oni su dio medunarodnih mirovnih i solidarnih mreza. Ocekuju se sudionici iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine i iz zemalja cijele juzno-istocne Europe, kako i iz ostalih dijelova svijeta.
Peace Event Sarajevo 2014 ce sadrzati razlicite aktivnosti: mirovne prezentacije raznih nevladinih organizacija (NGO), izlozbe, muzicki i filmski festival, javna dogadanja, umjetnicke performanse, animacije u/sa skolama, Medunarodni Kamp Mladih, itd.

U sklopu ovog Peace Eventa zelja nam je organizirati Socijalni Forum koji ce omoguciti prostor za debate, za razmjenu iskustva i zajednicke prakse i organizirane akcije. Ovaj Socijani Forum ce biti dio pokreta Svjetskog Socijalnog Foruma i raspravljat ce na temu Mir i Ljudska Sigurnost.

Koncept Ljudske Sigurnosti se razvio kao reakcija na « tradicionalnu » ili « realnu »nacionalnu sigurnost koja je naglasavala sigurnost drzave-nacije od vanjskih vojnih opasnosti. U suprotnom, Ljudska Sigurnost fokusira na ljudsku sigurnost individualaca koji zive unutar drzave i njihovu zastitu od raznih prijetnji, kako od vojnih i kriminalnog nasilja, do prijetnji izgladivanja i bolesti (naglasak zastite se prebacio sa drzave na individualnu osobu).

Teme o kojima ce se raspravljati ce biti vezane uz pitanje Ljudske Sigurnosti : pitanje sigurnosti individualaca protiv vanjskih i unutarnjh napada, postivanje njihovih prava i sloboda, zastita i garancija protiv prijetnja.

Konkretno, neka od pitanja koje ce biti postavljena su:
·       Mirovni proces, tranzicionalna pravda i borba protiv nekaznjavanja ;
·       Posljeratni oporavak i rekonstrukcija drustva, socijalna integracija bivsih vojnika ;
·       Zabrana mina i cluster municije, kampanja protiv malog oruzja i za kontrolu prodaje oruzja, zabrana proizvodnje i koristenja oruzja masovne destrukcije ;
·       Militarizacija granica i delokalizacija zatvora i azilantskih centara ;
·       Zavrsetak okupacija i stranih vojnih baza;
·       Borba protiv vojnih, rasistickih i ksenofobijskih idelogija; itd.
I naravno, sve druge teme koje su vezane za mirovne pokrete, aktivno nenasilje, edukcija o miru i slicno.

Izgradnja procesa

Forum na temu Mira i Ljudske Sigurnosti organiziran u sklopu Peace Event-a ce biti prvi tematski forum Svjetskog Socijalnog Foruma (SSF) na tu temu. Forum je registriran kao inicijativa u sklopu procesa Foruma onako kako je definirano u Povelji principa iz Porta Alegre (SSF). Podrzan je od strane Zavrsnog Asamblija Florence 10+10 (studeni 2012) i Udruzenog Asamblija na temu mira na Svjetskom Socijalnom Forumu u Tunisu (ozujak 2013). Cilj mu je da dijeli razmisljanja, udruzuje akcije sudionika, omogucava sastanke i udruzivanja razlicitih pokreta, osigura prostor za debate i inicijative koje omogucuju sirenje postojecih kampanja ili koordinacija buducih kampanja. Ali, ne cilja da zamjeni postojece lokalne, regionalne i globalne mreze.

Ciljevi foruma su da izgrade alat i kulturu za kolektivni rad koji ide dalje od samog preparativnog sastanka. Ovaj tematski forum dijeli sve te ciljeve i cilja da izgradi otvoreni i kolaborativni dugorocni process.